in order to support huge modular input configuration xml strings when users want to run a very large number of inputs on 1 single instance of this app , we had to change the way that the child java process is invoked. Previously the xml string was passed as a program argument which could break the max argument size in the Linux kernel. Now we changed the logic to pass the xml string to the java process via the STDIN pipe.
The app performs periodic socket pings to the splunkd management port to determine if splunkd is still alive and if splunkd is not responding , usually because it has exited or is not network reachable, then the app self exits it's running java process.The default timeout is now 300 seconds. You can change this timeout value in bin/ by setting the SPLUNKD_TIMEOUT_SECS
upgraded internal logging libraries to Log4j2 v2.17.2
Setup Credentials
menu tab and enter any AWS Secret Access Key(s) you require.Tweaked the HEC transport.
Added a new custom handler that allows you to declare the fieldnames in the JSON that hold the time and host values of the event.
messagehandlerimpl = com.splunk.modinput.kinesis.JSONBodyWithFieldExtraction
messagehandlerparams = timefield=foo,hostfield=goo