Splunk REST API Modular Input v2.0.9


The Python code in this App is dual 2.7/3 compatible. This version of the App enforces Python 3 for execution of the modular input script when running on Splunk 8+ in order to satisfy Splunkbase AppInspect requirements. If running this App on Splunk versions prior to 8 , then Python 2.7 will get executed.


This is a Splunk modular input add-on for polling REST APIs.

Activation Key

You require an activation key to use this App. Visit http://www.baboonbones.com/#activation to obtain a non-expiring key



The following authentication mechanisms are supported:



Custom Authentication Handlers

You can provide your own custom Authentication Handler. This is a Python class that you should add to the rest_ta/bin/authhandlers.py module.


You can then declare this class name and any parameters in the REST Input setup page.

Custom Response Handlers

You can provide your own custom Response Handler. This is a Python class that you should add to the rest_ta/bin/responsehandlers.py module.

You can then declare this class name and any parameters in the REST Input setup page.

Encryption of credentials

If you require an encrypted credential in your configuration , then you can enter it on the rest_ta setup page.

Then in your configration stanza refer to it in the format {encrypted:somekey}

Where somekey is any value you choose to enter on the setup page to refer to your credential.


Token substitution in Endpoint URL

There is support for dynamic token substitution in the endpoint URL

ie : /someurl/foo/$sometoken$/goo

$sometoken$ will get substituted with the output of the 'sometoken' function in bin/tokens.py

So you can add you own tokens simply by adding a function to bin/tokens.py

Currenty there is 1 token implemented , $datetoday$ , which will resolve to today's date in format "2014-02-18"

Token replacement functions in the URL can also return a list of values, that will cause multiple URL's to be formed and the requests for these URL's will be executed in parallel in multiple threads.

Certificate Verification

By default, certificate verification is disabled.

If you wish to enable certificate verification then you can provide the path to a CA Bundle file when setting up your REST stanza, or use the default bundled "certifi" CA Bundle.

More info on the CA Bundle File here , https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/master/user/advanced/#ssl-cert-verification


Modular Input logs will get written to $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/restmodinput_app_modularinput.log

Setup logs will get written to $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/restmodinput_app_setuphandler.log

These logs are rotated daily with a backup limit of 5.

The Modular Input logging level can be specified in the input stanza you setup. The default level is INFO.

You can search for these log sources in the _internal index or browse to the Logs menu item on the App's navigation bar.



BaboonBones.com offer commercial support for implementing and any questions pertaining to this App.