Splunk Twilio Modular Alert v1.4.1


The Python code in this App is dual 2.7/3 compatible. This version of the App enforces Python 3 for execution of the modular input script when running on Splunk 8+ in order to satisfy Splunkbase AppInspect requirements. If running this App on Splunk versions prior to 8 , then Python 2.7 will get executed.


This is a Splunk Modular Alert for sending SMS messages using Twilio.



Activation Key


You will need a Twilio account to use this Modular Alert.

You can sign up at twilio.com

Once your Twilio account is setup you will then be able to obtain your Auth Token and Account SID from your profile.

To enter these values in Splunk , just browse to the Setup menu tab in the App


Perform a search in Splunk and then navigate to : Save As -> Alert -> Trigger Actions -> Add Actions -> Twilio SMS Alerts

On this dialogue you can enter your "from number", "to number" and "SMS message"

"to number" can also be a comma delimited list of numbers

For the SMS message field , token substitution can be used just the same as for email alerts.


App Object Permissions

Everyone's Splunk environment and Users/Roles/Permissions setup are different.

By default this App ships with all of it's objects globally shared (in metadata/default.meta )

So if you need to limit access to functionality within the App , such as who can see the setup page , then you should browse to Apps -> Manage Apps -> Twilio SMS Alerting -> View Objects , and adjust the permissions accordingly for your specific Splunk environment.


Modular Alert logs will get written to $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/twilioalert_app_modularalert.log

Setup logs will get written to $SPLUNK_HOME/var/log/splunk/twilioalert_app_setuphandler.log

These logs are rotated daily with a backup limit of 5.

The Modular Alert logging level can be specified on the setup page. The default level is INFO.

You can search for these log sources in the _internal index or browse to the Logs menu item on the App's navigation bar.

Any Splunk internal errors can also be searched like : index=_internal twilio.py ERROR


1) Is your "from number" correct and valid for sending SMS messages via Twilio ? 2) Are your alerts actually firing ? 3) Are your Auth token and Account SID correct ?


BaboonBones.com offer commercial support for implementing and any questions pertaining to this App.